CBD For Pets

When our beloved pets fall ill or start experiencing the discomfort that comes with the aging process, we do everything we can to help keep them happy. But for many ailments, there’s no simple solution or easy fix. We can put our furry friends on expensive medications, which often have serious side effects – or we can sit idle while our beloved companions suffer.

Thankfully, there may be a third option – natural CBD oil for pets!

Uses of CBD Oil for Pets

CBD can have some incredible effects on the human body, and emerging research shows that many of those same potential benefits may also help our pets!
Throughout the world, pet parents are using CBD oil for dogs, cats and other animals to address the following concerns:

• Joint pain associated with old age or physical activity
• Anxiety and separation anxiety
• Behavioral issues
• Loss of appetite
• Much more


CBD Oil for Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: What You Need to Know

Many pet parents are choosing to use CBD oil for their pets. But before getting started, what should you be aware of?

• CBD oil has a very low risk of side effects
• CBD is not psychoactive, and causes no “high”
• Potential for effective natural relief for a variety of minor symptoms
• CBD oil is widely available, and no prescription is required

Many pet owners use CBD oil as a natural and safe alternative remedy to common health concerns. CBD oil has a very low risk of side effects, unlike many prescription drugs. 

How to Use CBD Oil for Your Pets

Administering CBD to your pets is easy. We offer flavored tinctures that your furry friends will love!

To give dogs CBD oil, simply mix it into their food.

To give cats CBD oil, you can either mix it into their food or drop it into their mouths.

Using CBD oil for pets is easy once you get started, but some animals may be skittish the first few times you administer the oil. Like any other treatment, getting your pet comfortable with CBD oil may take some time.

In general, it’s easier to mix CBD oil into an animals food than it is to attempt direct administration.

Given the variety of potential benefits, along with a very low risk of side effects, it’s easy to see why using CBD for pets is getting more and more popular. If you are looking for a safe, natural product for your pet’s health and wellbeing, consider our high-quality CBD products from Myriad Pets!